Archive of the Month: Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ (Jesuits in Britain Archives) This month the Jesuits in Britain Archive celebrate Fr Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ, who is remembered today as one of the greatest poets of his time. Read more... RebeccaSJ ArchiveHopkinsJesuitJesuits in BritainPoetRoehampton 2018-09-03 43 0
Archive of the Month: Stanford Hall drawing (Society of the Sacred Heart, England and Wales) Welcome to Catholic Heritage’s no doubt eagerly awaited(!) and long-overdue (apologies) second blog post, this time created by the Society of the Sacred Heart (England and Wales Province) Archives. Here we share a drawing found in our collection. Read more... RebeccaSJ ArchiveRoehamptonSociety of the Sacred Heart England and WalesWorld War II 2018-02-14 48 0